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    Day 1 : Lockdown begins

    Telling the kids that we will be staying safe in our own home  for the next 21 days didn’t make the Impact that I thought it would. They looked at me strangely figuring that mom lost her marbles.

    I have my own 3 and two tjommies extra.  Hubby decided that arranging live entertainment for them will work out much cheaper than psychological treatment for us after the lockdown. Boy oh boy. Do you know how much teenagers eat? We go through 3.5l milk and 3 bread loafs a day. We are considering adding a cow to the family. At least she will pay in milk to be kept safe.

    Luckily I was one of the weird ones that bought 20kg flour, rice and macaroni a couple of weeks ago when the school closed. I still have to go to the shops every third day for the

    Movie time, popcorn and a lekker braai is on our planner for the day

    I Placed an order with takealot for a couple of boardgames last week, they cancelled the delivery last moment. So hey… “Diere, dorpe, name” will have to do the trick together with good old gold fish.

     I took the time to write down everything that I plan on doing during the lockdown. Will probably find out that I have been postponing doing them not due to lack of time but lack of will .. BUT never the less im going to give it a try.

    I had to call in the Purple Carrot staff earlier this week to give them the news that we are definitely not on the essential list of permitted goods that will trade during this time.  Although I beg to differ..

    (Do you know how many male life’s we can save by delivering a parcel to wifey? I’m sure after 10 days in lockdown together , she will reconsider the marriage and start thinking about creative ways on how to end the misery. Not by means of divorce but surely a painful death.  We offer engraved necklaces with the couple’s picture and a message of love on the back. This might stimulate her forgiving nature?)

    We called all our local clients, told them to come and fetch their orders, shipped out the rest and then closed shop.

    It was an eerie feeling turning around and looking at the assembly line with empty chairs, tools neatly stacked and a fan looking sad in the corner.

    Our admin office was quiet. NO chatter, laughter or puns flying through the air. Our engraving part was without the zzzzt of machines scraping off metal creating and engraving words of encouragement, love and commitment on jewellery pieces that will be kept as treasures by the receivers.

    The kettle didn’t sing, the fridge didn’t humm and there wasn’t the normal patter of footsteps.

    When I closed and locked the door I felt like the last breath that escapes the body just after death comes to , release you from this world.

    Outside I looked at the building and felt a sense of relieve. This is not the end. It is not going anywhere. It is staying where is it is , for us to come back to. Waiting , hoping that this virus affecting everything and everyone around us will end soon.

    We will be picking up the tools , to once more inspire and please our loyal customers.

    Meanwhile our designer will keep on processing and designing orders from home. All that is needed , is to come back , putting them in for assembly at the different departments and shipping them out.

    But for now, be inspired by what we offer. We don’t sell necklaces, keychains and rings. We sell memories.

    We sell the moment your mother looks into your eyes after opening her bag and seeing a bracelet engraved with each and every child and grandchild . The adorable feeling of being loved and thought of.

    We sell forgiveness. (When you have made a huge or small,  depending on what side of the coin you are holding) Give her or him a token of your humble apology. A keychain with a reminder like “You met my mother before you met me, so this is on you” You were warned..

    And lastly we sell faith. A cross with faith hope and love around your neck to remind you why we are on this earth. We are here to create, inspire, love and live.

    Be safe, stay inside and may you keep your good spirit.